Losing your dog can be a terrifying experience. Read this now, so if the time every comes
(we hope it doesn't!) you'll know what to do.
file a missing dog report with your local animal control - Charlotte/Mecklenburg residents (click here)
notify your microchip company
post flyers in the area they went missing (create one now to have on hand!)
create a POST that is public for others to share - Instagram and Facebook stories only reach a fraction of the people that a public post can, and it cannot be shared on other accounts without taking additional steps to screenshot and repost
contact a professional for help - there are a number of professional tracking services that may be able to offer you guidance
visit the shelter nearest you, and then send notice to all surrounding shelters (sometimes lost dogs get picked up by someone driving through the area and they are found at shelters hours away)
Do you have other tips or ideas to help relocate a missing pet? We'd love to hear your comments.